Tohoku University

Tohoku University Research News of Engineering (Tune) is a publication of School of Engineering (SoE), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Each Tune volume provides the scientific community with the latest research results of SoE on a selected topic.


Robotics, Today & Tomorrow
World Formation Envisioned
Hirata Yasuhisa

Text by Stophe POMEROY / Photographs by Hayato IKEGAMI

Robotics, Today & Tomorrow

IoT and Haptics

SP: You mention that your research is applicable to sports coaching and such... can you tell us more?

HY: Technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT) combined with advances in the haptics and sensing sector will enable coordinated activities to yield better results. The sports coaching system analyzes the motions of multiple sports players detected by IoT sensing device, then the haptic device attached to sports players conveys appropriate motion direction and moving distance, along with speed, to the players simultaneously. Sensing technology improvements have also pushed forward our endeavor, without complicating the overall scheme of things.


SP: Yes, "Simple Is Best" as the saying goes - in line with Occam's Razor, it leads to simple elegance rather than a waste-of-space Rube Goldberg contraption.

HY: Indeed, it is better to interact with the environs via straightforward robotic schemes, in using as simple yet elegant means as possible. We therefore need to delve further into advanced application of haptics, along with cognition as to visual and other senses, to our set-ups. Thus the cooperation with social scientists and psychology/cognitive science experts.